Get array with field values

You can use the function $form->getFieldValues() to get an array with all the field values. Field names are set as array index whereas the field value is set as the corresponding content.

// make sure to validate first :)

	// get array with all fields
  	$data = $form->getFieldValues();

		// easly access single fields
		$customer_email = $data['customer_email'];

		// alternative
		$customer_email = $form->getField('customer_email')->getValue();

		// ...or loop through the whole array
		foreach($data as $field => $value){
			echo "The field: $field contains: $value ";


Uploaded files

For safety reasons, HazzelForms does not copy around the files on your webserver.
When using upload fields, $form->getFieldValues() will return a multidimensional array containing the tmp directory and the filename of all uploaded files:

// example
$data = $form->getFieldValues();

// loop through the uploads
foreach($data['uploads'] as $file){
	echo $file['dir']  . "is the tmp directory 
"; echo $file['name'] . "is the filename"; }

Use the php function move_uploaded_file() to move a file to a specific directory. Put this code inside the foreach loop above:

$uploadDir = __DIR__.'/uploads';
$imgPath = $uploadDir.'/'.basename($file['name']);
move_uploaded_file( $file['dir'], $imgPath );